About Texoma Striper Kings:
Texoma Striper Kings, is a full-time fishing guide service with more than 20 years of professional angling experience and over 10 years experience in leading guided fishing trips. Armed with some of the best technology and gear in the industry, TSK pride themselves on only using artificial lures to catch some of the biggest striper in Texoma.
Located inside Grandpappy Point Resort & Marina, their service entails a golf cart pickup at your vehicle, golf cart drop off when the trip is over, and everything in between. Whether you’re a seasoned angler, or you’ve never even held a rod before, we can teach you how to cast and retrieve, we’ll help you get your fish into the boat, and we’ll even clean and bag your catch after you’ve caught your limit.
For more information, including rates, please view the Texoma Striper Kings website here at www.texomastriperkings.com
*Texoma Striper Kings is an independent entity that operates out of Grandpappy Point Resort & Marina. Grandpappy Point Resort & Marina is not responsible for any circumstances that occur during a patron's event and experience with Texoma Striper Kings.

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